More Blessed to Give!
Once upon a time, there was a beginner yogi aspiring to renounce the world. He wanted to be a hermit and live in the forest nearby. One day he took a few essentials and went into the forest. It was an entire day’s walk. Practicing japa, the journey turned out to be a very enjoyable one. He reached the thickest … Read More
Say Yes to Life? May be not!
One morning, with a friend, we were discussing a dilemma she was facing. In the teachings there is a saying “Say Yes to life“. But in the situation she didn’t feel it was her dharma to do so. And we were wondering if it was okay to say “No”. We concluded that if for her it doesn’t feel right, then … Read More
Change Me!
“Better change your ways for I hate the things you do!” A very familiar statement indeed, expressing disapproval over something we don’t like in someone. Many even lament about existing situations in life and expect them to change, without ever pondering at one’s own deficiencies that may actually need correction. Thinking of changing other people or situations, however, only reflects … Read More
Building Joy
When Master came to America his goal was not necessarily to build the monastery or have buildings or create anything outward. These things will all pass away. His goal is to have people find God. And he gave us this remarkable teaching of Babaji and Lahiri and Sri Yukteshwar – Kriya yoga. And the real work and the real foundation … Read More
Who are the true Christians
This subject is very interesting “Who are the true Christians?” The same analogy in fact can be applied to “Who are the true Hindus”. One person may say – I go to church every Sunday, I am wearing a cross, I go to mass and I am a Christian. But is that enough? Because here if you see the word … Read More
When the channel is truly blessed
As aspiring Yogis, we need to enhance and synchronise the ‘frequency’ of our own individual vibrational energy with that of Cosmic Consciousness. Our Guru Paramhansa Yogananda taught us to use concentration and will power to consciously increase our body’s supply of cosmic energy , and thence to direct it to any body part; or to release it again into space … Read More
I learnt about Superconsciousness from Swami Kriyananda
I witnessed for four years what it meant to be in a superconscious state while serving Swami Kriyananda, and through him, I got a glimpse of it. There were so many ways in which he expressed outwardly that state of superconsciousness. We could write a long list , but for now, let’s mention just three of them, that nowadays I … Read More