
How to Attune to The Guru

The first sentence of the Autobiography of a Yogi is – “The characteristic features of Indian culture have long been a search for eternal truths and the Disciple-Guru relationship.” Why Disciple-Guru? Because the disciple needs to call the Guru. When the disciple is ready the Guru will appear, but the disciple must be humble enough to understand, “I need help … Read More

Ego Transcendence

Inner Transformation – Part 2

Earlier, Keshava was talking about the pilgrims coming and of course being concerned about their health when they arrived, because of the Delhi smog, and when they came back the smog was much worse than the day after Diwali, and then you ask yourself has anything changed for them during the pilgrimage? Even though, at the end of the pilgrimage, … Read More


How Meditation Changed My Life

Meditation and Kriya Yoga helped me to find a purpose and fulfillment in my life when I had come to the point where I thought no such thing was possible. I grew up in San Jose, California during the 60’s and 70’s. Most of my life I was seeking happiness outside myself in things and situations found in the world. … Read More

Spiritual Growth

Devotees Serving Together at the Delhi Spiritual Fair

Last April Ananda Sangha Delhi ashram hosted their bi-annual Spiritual Fair, “Tools and Techniques to for Self-Transformation.” We host two Spiritual Fairs per year, but this one was our very best ever. We offered 43 classes in eight hours! What a joy it was to observe members of the Sangha presenting the teachings of our guru, Paramhansa Yogananda for the … Read More