Learn . Connect . Inspire
Would you like to go on a transforming journey, connect with like-minded friends and receive support for your spiritual life?
What is it? A platform where you can learn tools and techniques to make your spiritual principles pertinent to this day and age. Go deep into the teachings of Paramhansa Yogananda through a series of classes, special offerings, interactive sessions, satsangs and workshops presented by our experienced teachers.
You are welcome to join us anytime during the month, and will have immediate access to all previous recordings.
of these offerings:

- Catch live broadcasts using a private link
- Missed a class? No problem! Enjoy easy access to all the recordings of the sessions on your phone on a Downloadable App
- Enjoy interactive Q&A sessions and informal sharing!
- Stay inspired with satsang with our experienced teachers
- Workshops and related MP3’s with talks of Swami Kriyananda on the related topic!
Come be a part of a larger spiritual family and interact with other like-minded people. And also help support others on the journey, since all of us are seeking that same one goal!
Enjoy 2 Package Options:
1) Basic Community Offerings
2) All-Inclusive Package
FOR MORE INFORMATION: Call/ Whatsapp: +91 9011041946
or email: online@anandaindia.org

“We attract from other people their vibrations and magnetism. In order to develop your own magnetism and make your aura strong, be with people who have a strong, harmonious outlook on life.” Swami Kriyananda
1) Basic Community Offerings:
Here’s what you will get:

“Special Offerings” include the following:
- Daily Meditations
- Book Discussions
- Satsangs with Special Guests from Ananda Worldwide
- Kirtans
- Family Activities
- Monthly Satsang with our Worldwide Community

“Weekly Series”, with Nayaswami Jaya. Enjoy stories and wisdom from the current topic or book and tools we can apply in our lives. Nayaswami Jaya is co-spiritual director of Ananda Sangha India. He became a student of Swami Kriyananda in 1968. He shares the teachings and techniques of Paramhansa Yogananda with great depth and wisdom worldwide.

Questions Answered with Nayaswami Devarshi:
Enjoy this special weekly series with guidance on Meditation, Yoga, and the Spiritual Life. The session will begin with a short discourse on the theme for the week followed by an interactive session!

Conversations with Yogananda: Bi-Monthly series on the book “Conversations with Yogananda” written by Swami Kriyananda who faithfully recorded these words of his guru,giving us this intimate glimpse of life with Yogananda, as never before shared. We join together with our gurubhais from Ananda Pune, in an informal discussion and sharing!

Monthly Sessions with Asha Nayaswami:
We come together once a month (Friday nights in India) with Asha Nayaswami who shares inspiration on a chosen topic followed by an interactive Q&A session with the community. Enjoy the blessing of interacting with Asha, a founding member of Ananda Sangha who has spent over 50 years on the Spiritual Path!

Yogananda’s Healing Prayers:
- Healing Prayer Service We come together weekly (Sat 8 pm) to offer Healing Prayers (Based on requests from the community and participants present)
- Night Meditation followed by Healing Prayers (Wed – Sat at 9:30 – 10:30 pm)

Deepening Our Spiritual Lives
A Weekly Series by the Ananda Monks
Every Saturday at 7:30 pm – the Ananda Monastary will be presenting different topics based on the theme of the month. Enjoy the opportunity for satsang with the Ananda India Brahmacharis!

Monthly Sessions with the Global Community:
Our U.S.A. community joins together with the India Community once a month to connect like-minded people across the globe! We host special satsangs with some of our senior Acharyas on the path and also have kirtan, music and informal break-out rooms so people can interact and share ideas and time together! It is a joy to see how these sessions break any illusions of of time and space when coming together in spirit.
Here are the following options:

Enjoy all the offerings mentioned above through this package –
– All the basic offering
– All previous recordings
– Live classes
– Interaction with teachers
Monthly: Rs. 1000
Basic Plan (1 Month)
Half-Yearly: Rs. 6000 Rs. 5000
(Enjoy 1 month free)
Basic Plan (6 Months)

Go deep into the teachings of Paramhansa Yogananda –
– All the basic offering
– All previous recordings
– Live classes
– Interaction with teachers
– Special workshops and retreats
– An opportunity to support the Sangha through this extra donation
– MP3 talks of Swami Kriyananda
Monthly: Rs. 1800
All-inclusive (1 month)
Half-Yearly: Rs. 10800 Rs. 9000
(Enjoy 1 month free)
All-inclusive (6 months)
Queries? Call/ Whatsapp: +91 9011041946
or email: online@anandaindia.org
2) All-Inclusive Plan:
Basic offerings plus the following:

Enjoy dynamic, unique bi-weekly workshops with varied themes where you will get to dive deeper in different topics throughout the month. You also get access to day-long retreats to help us go within and experience different aspects of ourselves.

Enjoy talks, “Treasure Along the Path”, by Swami Kriyananda based on themes we are discussing and sharing from in the month!
(For queries, please contact us at Online@anandaindia.org or call +919011041946)
“I always wanted to live in a community long before I came to Ananda. Didn’t know it will come true in this form. Thank you. Heartfelt gratitude”
– Mona
What a week looks like:
(You will also have access to additional free offerings)

Meet (some of) our instructors:
The following are a few of our presenters. (Click here to view all presenters with more information on each of them)

Nayaswami Jaya

Nayaswami Dhyana

Nayaswami Devarshi



Nayaswami Promilla

Nayaswami Asha


Tyagis Narayani & Shurjo

Brahmachari Jemal

Brahmachari Aditya

Nayaswamis Haridas & Roma


Brahmacharini Blezy


Dr. Radhika

Brahmachari Vineet

Brahmachari Premdas
“Feels like Swamiji is with us everday. These talks are such an inspiring way to spend the day.”
– Shubhangi
1) Who is this for?
All are welcome! This program is designed for everyone who wants to learn or dive deeper into spiritual principles, live by them and connect with like-minded people. It is designed for those who wish to live by high ideals. Or also for those who enjoy listening and discussing spiritual truths in order to increase their understanding.
2) How long do I have access to the classes?
After enrolling, you have unlimited access to this program, once the live classes are finished, you will have access to all the recordings for a time period – across any and all devices you own.
3) How do I know if this is right for me?
Well, it is up to you! If you think this is something that will benefit your life, give it a try! There won’t be any harm from enrolling, but there will be a lot to gain.
4) When does my subscription start and finish?
You will be subscribing for the current month or 6 months (depending on the plan you choose) and will get life access to whatever classes, workshops and other things that have been given throughout the month.
Join the Family!
Register Now
“Simplicity of living and high thinking lead to the greatest happiness!”
– Paramhansa Yogananda
What people are saying
“Ananda India gives me so many possibilities in which I can deepen my understanding of the spiritual Path, but also, it gives me motivation, strength and the possibility to increase my magnetism. I live in a spiritual challenging environment. So, very happy you great souls are here, to keep me inspired so I can stay of service to others.” – P. K.
“I am very impressed with the quality of classes and workshops provided by Ananda Sangha. They are very well organized and well thought out.” – H. C.
“I appreciate the clarity and the spirit of the approach to these teachings and am looking forward to much more!” – S. G.
“This is a wonderful platform to follow the teachings of Paramhansa Yogananda” – B. D.