
Does God Hide The Truth

Does God hide the truth? I don’t think so. I think we hide from the truth. Swami Kriyananda says, that we depend and we live a lot by our reasoning faculty. That if we are not able to make sense of things, we think there is something wrong. And we try our best to arrange circumstances in a reasonable way … Read More

Devotion and Prayer

God! God! God!

These words are by Yoganandaji, from the book Practicing the Presence of God; “There cannot be any excuse for not thinking of God –  Day and night, rolling in the background of your mind, God, God, God. Whether you are washing dishes or digging a ditch, or working in an office or a garden, whatever you may be doing inwardly … Read More

Devotion and Prayer

Abiding in God

The title “Abiding in God” given by Swami ji made me close my eyes and sense the feeling coming from it. Yes, immediately I felt protected and safe within myself. Master gave us this meaningful poem:Thou and I are One Thy Cosmic life and I are one.Thou art the Ocean, I am the wave; We are one.Thou art the Flame, … Read More

Devotion and Prayer

To Those who Think Me Near, I Will Be Near

Close to the time when Paramhansa Yogananda was getting ready to leave his body, he would drop a few hints and say, “my work is almost done. I just have a few more things left.” He was preparing the disciples for the inevitable time to come.  And in one such moment Swami Kriyananda asked his Guru: “Master, will you be … Read More


How to Attune to The Guru

The first sentence of the Autobiography of a Yogi is – “The characteristic features of Indian culture have long been a search for eternal truths and the Disciple-Guru relationship.” Why Disciple-Guru? Because the disciple needs to call the Guru. When the disciple is ready the Guru will appear, but the disciple must be humble enough to understand, “I need help … Read More

Right Attitudes

With God, Everything is Fun!

A common problem we hear people express is a sense of burden: “I’m all alone with this responsibility. I don’t know what to do.” In Paramhansa Yogananda’s teachings, he asks you to simply remind yourself more often to include God in what you do. Live as you live, but live with God. You’re not alone. Convince yourself that you’ll never … Read More

Balanced Living

Whatever your circumstances, withdraw into your center

Namaste! Yesterday I read the passage in the Gita from the sixth chapter – verse 9: “He is a supreme Yogi who gazes equally upon patrons, friends, enemies, strangers, peacemakers, those who cause trouble, relatives, the virtuous and the ungodly.” Again, I smile at this passage where it says those who cause troubles and immediately follows that with relatives. Most … Read More

Devotion and Prayer

Devotion – the greatest cleanser

Swami Sri Yukteshwar ji talks about Devotion in His book – Holy Science. He clearly says “not a single step can be put on the spiritual path unless the natural love of the heart is awakened”. Indirectly He is saying that don’t even bother about the rest, if your heart is not involved in it 😊. Yoganandaji said, kriya plus … Read More

Balanced Living

Avoid Burnout – Make Inner Peace Your Priority

As Yogis, what we want to do is learn to relax, yet still be aware of how we are relaxing and relax in ways that won’t pull our consciousness more and more and more down. And each one of us, we get to figure out how to do that. Meaning, each of us are individuals, and we’ll find our own … Read More

Ego Transcendence

Godliness in Giving

A beautiful pair of colourful birds came to have a bread-bite on my terrace, at the break of dawn one summer morning. Capturing the ensuing moments in the camera of my eyes, I saw the bird with a brighter plumage, possibly the male of the two, delightfully picking up a tiny bit that its beak could hold. But he was being … Read More

Spiritual Growth

How to begin on the spiritual path

To start being Spiritual, I would say start looking at the heart. Don’t look for examples of Religion and Spirituality. They are very different from each other. Spirituality is your inner consciousness.  Religion is your outer behaviour. Spirituality begins when you start thinking what is true. How can I find what life is all about? Do I fit in? You … Read More

Spiritual Eye
Right Attitudes

Superconsciousness is Not For Wimps

Let’s start with super consciousness. What are some of the definitions that we know of the term super consciousness? A state of bliss, of intense awareness, of intuitive perceptions, of freedom, of unity. When you have definitions like these, I want that but then then I look at some of these definitions and I try to really compare to where … Read More