
How to deal with Negative energies

Nayaswami Devi: Swami Kriyananda would often put people together, to work on a project, who were in extreme conflict of each other. I saw Him do this a number of times, and you think, “Doesn’t He know that they don’t get along with each other? Doesn’t He know they drive each other crazy?” But he did it for their benefit, … Read More

Right Attitudes

The Best Way To Serve On The Spiritual Path

Sri Yukteshwar said, when someone was balking at some area of service, “When you are too good for this world, you will be adorning a higher one”. And you can just in that word “adorning” get his sarcasm, his dry humour. So, he said, “As long as you breathe the free air of Earth, you’re under obligation to render grateful … Read More