Yoga Philosophy

The Mystery of Life

Everyone is faced with a long layover at some point or another. One thing I enjoy doing at airports is to find a comfortable place to sit and observe people rushing around. Airports can feel like a microcosm of the human experience, and we can likely see people in every kind of mood going through every kind of situation there. … Read More

Stories by Devotees

Did Bhrigu Make a Mistake?

Bhrigu is referred to in the Bhagavad Gita in Chapter 10, Stanza 25: “Among great Rishis, I am Bhrigu.” Thousands of years ago he made many predictions about Swami Kriyananda’s life that have proved to be true. However, he implied that Swami Kriyananda would live to be 83 years old. Swami Kriyananda lived instead to be 86 years old. Did … Read More

Health & Healing

Medicine as a Healing Science

Why I find current medical practice less than complete Over the last three decades that I have been studying and practicing medicine, I have realized that even though the current approach of medicine towards disease is quite methodical, it is still less than complete. As I write this, two things come to my mind which need a fundamental review. One … Read More

Meditation and Kriya Yoga

Silence is God

Listening to God is possible only in silence: the more our emotions, the less we can we hear Him; the more our thoughts, the less our divine perceptions are; and more our physical movements, the less it is possible to listen to Him. In daily life the same principle of silence holds true: worries, tension, waves of emotion, rushing about … Read More

Spiritual Growth

A Test of Titiksha: Yogananda’s Nine Day Diet

Enjoying our daily meals day after day has made many of us forget the pangs of hunger, for we pamper our taste buds with delectable delicacies of our choice, more often than needed. The very thought of not getting our routine meals for nine whole days creates a ruffle in the minds of most of us, a few almost feel … Read More

Devotion and Prayer

The Guru: Think Him Near, Draw Him Near

Many blessings to everyone on this special day of Paramhansa Yoganandaji’s birthday! As humans, sometimes we feel lonely, we want to have our guru with us, we want to touch his feet, and we want to come close to him. Well, we have to uplift ourselves to be able to do that we have to raise our consciousness; we have … Read More