Swami Kriyananda spent quite some time in the later years of his life in India. And part of that time he lived in his home at the Ananda Ashram just outside Pune City. This was the place where he wrote Lessons in Self Realization and Love Perfected, Life Divine. He also recorded the Ask me about Truth video series and much more.

During and since Swamiji’s passing, this place has become a popular pilgrimage spot. Devotees from all over come to spend some time in the natural surroundings, feel Swamiji’s vibrations, meditate in his house and walk in his footsteps where he would take his evening strolls. (Visit for programs)

We are grateful to have such a place here in India where we can feel his presence so tangibly. And we hope to keep this place of pilgrimage accessible and available to devotees from all over the world.

We invite your participation as we work towards the beautification of the place and to preserve it as a real shrine dedicated to Swamiji — a place of inspiration and meditation.

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Written Works:

Living Wisely, Living Well

Demystifying Patanjali

A Pilgrimage to Guadalupe

Lessons of Self-Realization

Love Perfected, Life Divine


The Essence of the Bhagavad Gita

Ask me about Truth

Movie Scripts Written:

The Answer

Movie about Yogananda’s life


If you go to places where masters have lived, the vibrations there will quicken your realization. That is the value of pilgrimages to holy places. The masters’ divine vibrations are still there, just as strong as when they were physically present. Those who are in tune will feel that presence. But first, one has to meditate and prepare himself. Paramhansa Yogananda

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