Swamiji used to have regular satsangs with the monks. I was able to attend such a one. I remember that without wasting much time he asked us to settle down and ask any questions that we may have. I was new then and was eager to find a way to deepen my connection to the Masters. I had heard that Swamiji used to say “If you want to know me, listen to my music“. I am musically inclined and in that statement I had found an easier way to connect to Swamiji. So I was hoping he would give something in similar to connect to our Masters as well.

But Swamiji’s reply was quite different. He said, “You will get to know me as a person if you listen to my music, but if you want to know the true me, visualize me at the point between the eyebrow and try to feel at the heart center. And you could do the same for any of our Masters”.

I was a little disappointed at that moment because I was really looking for something simple. But then I realized that he wasn’t stopping me from connecting to him on a personal level, but inviting me to tune into the spirit, the consciousness behind the personality.

Though short, it was a very special time. How we all cherish those moments with him in his very home!


  1. Thanks, Amit—very good & expansive to know! (plus always nice to hear from you!)

  2. Amados hermanos en el amor de yogananda..me podría ayudar con la dirección y ubicación del festival para en humildad poder participar del divino momento

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