Abiding in God

The title “Abiding in God” given by Swami ji made me close my eyes and sense the feeling coming from it. Yes, immediately I felt protected and safe within myself. Master gave us this meaningful poem:Thou and I are One Thy Cosmic life and I are one.Thou art the Ocean, I am the wave; We are one.Thou art the Flame, … Read More

To Those who Think Me Near, I Will Be Near

Close to the time when Paramhansa Yogananda was getting ready to leave his body, he would drop a few hints and say, “my work is almost done. I just have a few more things left.” He was preparing the disciples for the inevitable time to come.  And in one such moment Swami Kriyananda asked his Guru: “Master, will you be … Read More

How to Attune to The Guru

The first sentence of the Autobiography of a Yogi is – “The characteristic features of Indian culture have long been a search for eternal truths and the Disciple-Guru relationship.” Why Disciple-Guru? Because the disciple needs to call the Guru. When the disciple is ready the Guru will appear, but the disciple must be humble enough to understand, “I need help … Read More

I learnt about Superconsciousness from Swami Kriyananda

I witnessed for four years what it meant to be in a superconscious state while serving Swami Kriyananda, and through him, I got a glimpse of it. There were so many ways in which he expressed outwardly that state of superconsciousness. We could write a long list , but for now, let’s mention just three of them, that nowadays I … Read More

A Tale of an Ancient Monastery

Once upon a time there was a remote monastery in the desert. The temple was carved out of the stone. There were a dozen simple monks who spent their days in prayer and meditation. One evening they were having dinner in silence as usual. Suddenly the silence was shattered with a cry of agony from the head monk. His eyes … Read More

How to deal with Negative energies

Nayaswami Devi: Swami Kriyananda would often put people together, to work on a project, who were in extreme conflict of each other. I saw Him do this a number of times, and you think, “Doesn’t He know that they don’t get along with each other? Doesn’t He know they drive each other crazy?” But he did it for their benefit, … Read More

Holding a Retreat During the Time of Coronavirus

On March 8, we decided it would be wise to cancel our all-India Kriyaban Retreat outside of Bangalore. That sounds like a simple decision, but we cancelled three days before the retreat was to begin, with over 100 people scheduled to fly there from all over India! Coronavirus was only beginning to show itself here — but with a number … Read More

Attracting Swamiji’s Grace

When I was studying at my College in India in 2010, I got into some bad habits. I knew that this was some past life karma and for some months I did not realize how bad it would get. The next year I mustered up the courage to change myself, but the guilt was too much. The only way I … Read More

A Pilgrimage called Life

There are a few aspects of a pilgrimage that can help us understand how to have a successful life. We recently undertook a pilgrimage to Babaji’s cave which helped me solidify a few of those ideas. Here are three that I share with you. Have a clear Destination Many of us have heard or read these words on a postcard … Read More


In 1952 Paramhansa Yogananda entered mahasamadhi, a master’s conscious exit from the body at the time of physical death. That same year brought a worldwide epidemic of polio, a serious disease of the spinal cord, which often brought about paralysis and permanent disability. It especially affected children, and I was one of them, at age 9. The disease begins with … Read More