In June 2018, the Monastery in India moved from Pune to Khandala (a hill station town between Pune & Mumbai). The decision to shift to Khandala was taken by my head monk Nayaswami Devarshi.

The Ananda Monks leading a kirtan in Ananda Village, 2019
He saw the need to have a much clearer focus and magnetism That wasn’t possible while serving the always compelling needs of an Ananda Sangha city center.
It was a big challenge for me to leave behind everything that was familiar in Pune.
When Devarshi ji announced this step, there were many emotions that welled up within me, like “What will we do for food? Who do we know there? Will we survive being by ourselves?” It was a fear of the unknown!
Looking back, all of us are grateful that we were guided by Devarshiji’s intuition. Our monks have been able to serve more & better since taking that step. We really have become a monastery, a very cohesive group of monks.
In August 2020, Devarshi ji and Brahmachari Jemal began talking about the need to start looking for the land to build a Monastery. We’ve always stayed in rented flats and houses. Divine clues began leading us towards Chandigarh. By the end of October 2020, we were preparing to shift to Chandigarh, first to live in the city and then to find land nearby.
A fascinating thing happened this time. When the announcement was made about Chandigarh, my mind soldiers responded very differently! As soon as they heard the news, the thoughts were – “Wow, we are going closer to the Himalayas!” “We are going to have a spiritual adventure!”
This change in my attitude and perspective has helped me to soar upward and forward in life. I have been able to serve better and depend more on God’s joy.
Paramhansa Yogananda ji said in the ‘Autobiography of a Yogi’ about his Guru that “He had not found any insuperable obstacle to mergence of human with Divine. No such barrier exists, I came to understand, save in man’s spiritual unadventurousness . . .”
I wholeheartedly encourage this attitude of spiritual adventurousness.

Old photo of ananda monks and nuns with Swamiji (around 1970)
With that spirit you are much freer to make rapid forward progress on the spiritual path. The divine joy and strength you gain will enable you to help many people.
Please keep our monastery in your prayers as we continue to search for land for building Master’s and Swamiji’s Monastery. We are getting closer and closer to that goal. I’ll share more about that adventure when the time comes!
Bless you in your Divine Search for permenant monastery location.
We are grateful for your prayers! Thank you
How much land is needed?
How many in population of Monastery?
Any monk there understand construction and or engineering ?
Any particular State required ?
I am here in Delhi.
Yes, we do have a highly trained engineer among the monks, who once led a construction project in India. He has expertise and experience in solar power too. We also have a long time gardener/farmer. And possibly a piece of land. Most importantly, God and Guru have been guiding us and opening doors. We hope to share more news soon. Prayers would be especially appreciated.
Thanks, Devarshi.
So glad to hear you are all doing well. What an amazing adventure!
Nayaswami Hanuman
Thank you Hanuman ji.
We need yours and Lord Hanuman’s blessings 🙂
Thanks, Premdas. Blessings in the new adventure! 🙏
We are very glad for your prayers & support! 😇
Thanks for sharing Premdas. FYI the photo of the monastics with Swamiji is from 1978 or 1979. As it happens, I am on the far right of the front row.
Blessings from your brother in Dehradun.
Thank you for your blessings & prayers!
Nice to hear about photo’s timeline and see you in the photo. I recognised you & Haridas ji.
We are just few hours away. We hope to meet you soon.
This foto is from August 1977. Since I am in it as a nun that would be the date. This foto was taken at Spiritual Renewal Week at the Meditation Retreat in the area in front of what was then the office. Blessings and good luck and Guru’s grace for this new spiritual adventure. Joy, nayaswami maria
Namaste! How exciting! Thank you for sharing your inspirational story…You all are in my prayers here in the North! May You All Be Blessed With Living Kindness May You Be Well, May You Be Peaceful And At Ease, May You All Be Happy! And So It Is! Blessed Be!🌺
Thank you Jill for your heartfelt prayers & wishes🙏
Beautiful share Premdas! May Master find you a home base soon as you all follow his vision of living and growing your sadhana together
Thank you Latha for your prayers, support & wishes🙏
May God and gurus keep you in their light .
Aum Guru,
Thanks for sharing Premdas, I was able to feel your spirit while reading this!! Joyy
It sounds strangely exciting to me for you to take this step.
How wonderful! Please keep us informed in how we can support your work- both in prayers and when the time is ripe to help get that land! Sending Divine Mother’s sweet love, light and JOY!
To accomplish your objective will not be easy. Excitement and enthusiasm will not last. Instability and emptiness will break you apart.
Your purpose must be sincere, God inspired and run deep, otherwise it won’t happen.
Good luck – God Bless.
Thank you for sharing your story. Please keep us posted. It’s always thrilling to hear all about your projects, and the ability to practice contentment with deep joy in the midst of them.
Inspiring for us all!
Beautiful, inspiring post, thank you Premdas. Keeping you, N. Devarshiji, your brother monks, and the monastery in my prayers from today on.
Boundless blessings and joy to you all on your continuing spiritual adventure,
Vivi in Dana Point, California
Great to see the progress, outwardly and inwardly. If you need advice in how to live in teepees, travel trailers, and tents, there’s lots of expertise in the Sangha. Devarshi is an expert at building small wooden huts on the side of a mountain.
Such an exciting story. I look forward to reading about the continuation of the adventure..
Blessings to all on the journey with you
Thanks for sharing the story. Total faith in God & Guru will lead the path n bring out great results. Loads of blessings to you n your team for this spiritual journey.
Warm wishes,
Blessings & grace of God & Guru always with all on your spiritual adventures.
May at this new place, the irrigation of Sadhana on the soil of divinity may nurture the seeds of bhakti in all of us leading to fruits of realisation.
May auspiciousness embrace this place