Does God Hide The Truth

Does God hide the truth? I don’t think so. I think we hide from the truth. Swami Kriyananda says, that we depend and we live a lot by our reasoning faculty. That if we are not able to make sense of things, we think there is something wrong. And we try our best to arrange circumstances in a reasonable way … Read More

God! God! God!

These words are by Yoganandaji, from the book Practicing the Presence of God; “There cannot be any excuse for not thinking of God –  Day and night, rolling in the background of your mind, God, God, God. Whether you are washing dishes or digging a ditch, or working in an office or a garden, whatever you may be doing inwardly … Read More

Abiding in God

The title “Abiding in God” given by Swami ji made me close my eyes and sense the feeling coming from it. Yes, immediately I felt protected and safe within myself. Master gave us this meaningful poem:Thou and I are One Thy Cosmic life and I are one.Thou art the Ocean, I am the wave; We are one.Thou art the Flame, … Read More

To Those who Think Me Near, I Will Be Near

Close to the time when Paramhansa Yogananda was getting ready to leave his body, he would drop a few hints and say, “my work is almost done. I just have a few more things left.” He was preparing the disciples for the inevitable time to come.  And in one such moment Swami Kriyananda asked his Guru: “Master, will you be … Read More

Devotion – the greatest cleanser

Swami Sri Yukteshwar ji talks about Devotion in His book – Holy Science. He clearly says “not a single step can be put on the spiritual path unless the natural love of the heart is awakened”. Indirectly He is saying that don’t even bother about the rest, if your heart is not involved in it 😊. Yoganandaji said, kriya plus … Read More

Who are the true Christians

This subject is very interesting “Who are the true Christians?” The same analogy in fact can be applied to “Who are the true Hindus”. One person may say – I go to church every Sunday, I am wearing a cross, I go to mass and I am a Christian. But is that enough? Because here if you see the word … Read More

Many Faces of Divine Mother

Nayaswami Jaya During this season of Navaratri and this time of year especially is a good time to be speaking about God in the aspect of Divine Mother. The approach that we take to God can sometimes be as father, it can be as friend, as beloved but I think one of the sweetest ways to approach God is as … Read More

Hold Him Tight

My eyes gazing into His, and as if, holding His hand in a tight grip, I fervently kept praying to my Guru, Paramhansa Yogananda, for wading me out of the tormenting turbulence. Unbelievably, a slight sore throat and mild fever over three days were actually the signs of COVID-19 infection and this had, for a moment, shaken me! The positive … Read More

Effective Prayer

A woman once asked Swami Kriyananda to pray for her son who had been critically injured.  She was deeply distraught by her own inability to pray without her mind wandering to worldly affairs, even in a  moment of family crisis.  Her mind, in the midst of her prayers, insisted upon drifting toward trivia,  “What do I need to prepare for … Read More

Tools of the Light

The fight is on, yet again, between the two mighty warriors! One is the most advanced life form on this planet, superior to all creatures in intellect and having the prowess to manipulate anything to satisfy the survival instinct, while the second player is no less insignificant for it has, through the scourges of yester years, shown its power to … Read More

The Guru: Think Him Near, Draw Him Near

Many blessings to everyone on this special day of Paramhansa Yoganandaji’s birthday! As humans, sometimes we feel lonely, we want to have our guru with us, we want to touch his feet, and we want to come close to him. Well, we have to uplift ourselves to be able to do that we have to raise our consciousness; we have … Read More