I didn’t understand what the small girl in her mother’s arms was saying. I was staying with Ananda friends in Argentina, where little girls speak only Spanish, while I speak only English.
Miranda was 2-3 years old, and very shy towards this stranger staying in her home with her parents. Miranda pointed to me, and with the quiet authority that children sometimes command, spoke to her mother.
Mom became very quiet and thoughtful, so I finally asked, “what did she say?”
“Miranda pointed to your shirt and said, “That’s the color of God.”
I was wearing the blue color that members of the Nayaswami Order wear. It was my turn to become thoughtful. Until then, I never considered that God had a particular color. More compelling was the quietly confident way Miranda implied that she saw God, and therefore knew God’s color!
Children often speak the highest truths, before their pure hearts become conditioned by the world to have more “adult” attitudes. Jesus Christ famously said, “Blessed are the pure in heart, for they shall see God.”
I’ll just touch on the idea of God’s color here. There is certainly some truth to God being blue! Paramhansa Yogananda and Swami Kriyananda have said, in various ways,that “blue is the color of the Christ consciousness.” Lord Krishna is typically depicted as having blue skin. In one of his poems in Whispers from Eternity, Yogananda wrote, “O Divine Mother, in Thy lotus feet of blue light, the bee of my mind is engrossed.”

(Spiritual eye painting the path, made by Swami Kriyananda)
The spiritual eye, depicted in this painting by Kriyananda, is a reality that is universal to all souls. When you become very still in meditation, or after practicing certain techniques, you can see the spiritual eye behind your closed eyes. If you go deep enough, you can enter that tunnel of blue light, where everything becomes a brilliant “opal blue,” just as Yogananda described it.
Now, philosophers and intellectuals will argue about what is God’s real color, or that God is not a particular color. I’ll sit out such theoretical discussions and listen instead to a child that saw God.
Paramhansa Yogananda often urged his disciples to become more childlike (which is very different from childish). He once surprised Swami Kriyananda with some children’s toys as a gift, then quoted the words of Christ to him, “Suffer little children to come unto me, for of such is the kingdom of God.”
At the time, Kriyananda was still struggling with intellectual doubt, which drives away the presence of God. Typically grownup attitudes—which too often include skepticism, doubt, intellectual pride and egotism—are absent in the great masters who see and know God.
Kriyananda learned his Guru’s lesson well—at times you could see he was a divine child above all else. I have a note from him, written while he was working on a children’s book. He wrote, “And – well, you know, I really am a child at heart, before God, though few people know it. At Ma’s ashram (Anandamayi Ma) I was known as her chhoto chhele (little child).”
Swami Kriyananda once described Yogananda: “One of the most amazing things about Master was his complete inner freedom. In the deepest matters he maintained the simplicity and light-hearted innocence of a child.”
If you want to see God, try to become more childlike and pure-hearted in your attitude. Pray as a child, not as a beggar or as an adult negotiating with God. Even when a child errs, it can still go to its Mother and ask forgiveness.
Yogananda taught us to pray as children:
“Never mind if you have erred. Just call to God with trusting love. Hide nothing from Him. He knows all your faults, far better than you do! Be completely open with Him.
“You may find it helpful to pray to God as your Divine Mother. For the Mother aspect of God is all-merciful. Pray, ‘Divine Mother, naughty or good, I am Thy child. Thou must release me!’
“Even the human mother loves her naughty children as much as her good ones. Sometimes she loves them even more, for their need is greater.
“Don’t be afraid of your Divine Mother. Sing to Her in this way from your heart: ‘Receive me on Thy lap, O Mother! Cast me not at death’s door.’”
Beautiful post, Devarshi. Thank you!
Dear Devarshi.
Thank you. So wonderfully beautiful. I remember reading when Kriyananda changed the color to blue. He was ill at the time and if I remember correctly he was healed.
Aum in joy,
Nice Post , Heading for the Blue now, Bless Up.
I needed this message. The prayer, ” Receive me on Thy lap, O Mother, Not cast me at Death’s door” is wonderful.
I love Swami’s painting of the spiritual eye! Are there cards or prints that can be purchased?
Beautiful article!
I felt inspired too. I had a friend named John Stair that had a pure heart such as a child. He showed me where he saw Christ sitting on a rock on the banks of the Potomac River near Knoxville Maryland. He passed away on 01/23/2011. I am sure that he is with Jesus in a high place in Heaven.
Thank you Devarshi for this beautiful account, onto which you hitch Master’s and Swami’s teachings. This is a BIG teachable reminder to this little chela. 🙂
Beautiful reminder to remain with eyes and heart of a child.
Thank you, Susan
Thank you so much, Devarshi!
Beautiful. Simple. Profound. Thank you, Devarshi!
Thank you for relating this beautiful story for us.
Betsey Minthorn
Thank you so much Devarshi for this beautiful and inspiring post.
Yeah, I thought so It is likely, mostly Blue since Krishna said, I am the taste of water & ether in nature like blue sky that represent the Blue lotus Lord Krishna, It is cooling ray!
Who among our Guru Paramahansa Yogananda’s devotees may read these lines without streaming tears of connection and devotion, brought to face our own need for forgiveness yet wrapped endlessly in the eternally loving embrace of the Divine! I am swept once again into that tunnel of Grace from which I pray my soul never to wander. All Love to God and Guru.
Thank you, Devarshi. I found this very inspiring.
Thank you Devarshi
Truths hold no bounds . Children hold the keys toward God Realization.
Aum aum aum
Your message is true, reaching straight into my heart.
Thank you Devarshiji,
Beautiful ?. thank you so much for the prayer of Master.
Child is God
God is child
So beautifully and simply stated. Thank you.
Father,swami yogananda, I love Him and He loves me .
Dear Devarshi, lovely moments we shared, that was Miranda.
ah, I was afraid I was getting that wrong. I’ve asked someone to fix this. Nice to hear from you and hope you are well. Yes, very beautiful memory,.
It often brings moments of heartfelt truth when we pause and listen to the words of wisdom that flow from our little teachers.
Thank you for this sweet message.
Brahmacharini Rose
Thank you Devarshi for the beautiful and comforting prayers by Master, they went into my heart. And I always loved blue!
And thank you for the photographies.
Blessings Geeta
wonderful, reinforces the need to purify ourselves. Thank you