This time of year is very special for a variety of reasons. Think of what most people do during winter, when it’s more quiet and darker outside earlier. Maybe people sleep more or maybe they watch more movies, television. Maybe they go out more because of boredom. But for a devotee and disciple it can be a very special time. … Read More
Category: Nature & Spirituality

Godliness in Giving
by Cheena ChawlaA beautiful pair of colourful birds came to have a bread-bite on my terrace, at the break of dawn one summer morning. Capturing the ensuing moments in the camera of my eyes, I saw the bird with a brighter plumage, possibly the male of the two, delightfully picking up a tiny bit that its beak could hold. But he was being … Read More

The Sacred Pause
by Cheena ChawlaHither and thither our mind takes us, and we spend our life’s precious moments in mundane, multifarious activities. A day’s routine may have for a student a mad rush for reaching the school or college in time, attending classes, doing homework, going for tuitions, playing with friends, watching the television whereas for an adult it may be either doing all … Read More

Say Yes to Life? May be not!
by Amit PurohitOne morning, with a friend, we were discussing a dilemma she was facing. In the teachings there is a saying “Say Yes to life“. But in the situation she didn’t feel it was her dharma to do so. And we were wondering if it was okay to say “No”. We concluded that if for her it doesn’t feel right, then … Read More

A Himalayan Yogi: Corona Virus Seclusion
by Nayaswami VijayWhen I started construction of the Ananda Dehradun Meditation Camp in the Fall of 2018, I didn’t think much about what it would all lead to. It just felt like the right thing to do at the time. It didn’t occur to me that starting a large construction project in India as a senior might not be the most practical … Read More

Finding the Joy Within – A Pilgrimage to Babaji’s Cave
by Rashmi KrishnanThe object of meditation is not just to find the stillness within. We all know the sacred command from Psalms in the Bible, ‘Be still and know that I am God‘. The ultimate goal of meditation is to stay in that stillness, so that we can touch the ever-present joy within. Let me share a recent experience. We were a … Read More