Paramhansa Yogananda at the Sea in Encinitas

My Prisoner

Long You hid
Beneath the static of my restless thoughts,
Long You fled
In the chambers of eerie ether,
At last I found Thee
Hiding behind the quiet desert dunes
Of My desirelessness.
Fastened with strong cords of devotion
You are my Prisoner.
I’ll keep You
Locked in the dungeons of silence
Fastened beneath the bars of my closed eyes.
Beloved Prisoner
I’ll keep You enshrined
On the altar of my secret songs.
Beloved Captive
I’ll keep You hidden
In the bower of my caresses,
In the temple of my dreams.
Beloved Infinite
I’ll keep You ever imprisoned
Behind the strong walls of my undying love.

— August 1937

Paramhansa Yogananda Standing

Leaving Thy Vow

Blossoms come and seasons change,
They all speak of Thee.
The moon slightly shows Thy smile,
The sun holds Thy lamp of life.
When wilt Thou talk to Me,
Leaving Thy vow of silence?
Wake! Wake! from Thy sleep
Speak to me now, O Lord.
I have been swimming for Thee
In the sea of my tears.
In the arteries of leaves
I see Thy blood flowing,
In every thought of mine
Thy heart is beating loud.
Throw away the shroud of Nature,
Wake from Thy sleep, O Lord.

— September 1937