Wisdom’s fire is burning. I am feeding the flame. No use sorrowing more. All perishable pleasures, all temporary aspirations, I am using as faggots to feed the Eternal fire of knowledge. The old cherished logs of desire, which I had saved to fashion furniture of pleasures, I also cast into the hungry flames. Ah, my ancient ambitions are crackling joyously … Read More
Posts by Paramhansa Yogananda

Everyone is Important
by Paramhansa YoganandaI am a type of human actor necessary for the stage of your Creation. There is no one like me. I cannot play anyone else’s part, no matter how I may wish to. I must play my part assigned by You, Cosmic Stage Manager. I shed many a tear for what I could not be, but I wiped away my … Read More

Creating Your Happiness
by Paramhansa YoganandaIt is easier to spend than to earn. Also, it is harder to save than to earn. Most people spend thirty dollars a week when their income is only twenty. The extra ten dollars is acquired by borrowing, or by buying with promises to pay in the future, on installment plans and such systems. You must not always feel that … Read More

by Paramhansa YoganandaIndia is the epitome of the world in everything — a land of all kinds of climates, religions, commerce, arts, peoples, scenery, stages of civilization, and languages. Her civilization dates back many thousands of years. Her great seers, prophets, and rulers left records behind them that prove the great antiquity of the Aryan civilization in India. Many European travelers visit … Read More

Do Not Judge Others
by Paramhansa YoganandaYour individual happiness depends to large extent upon protecting yourself and your family from the evil results of gossiping. See no evil, speak no evil, hear no evil, think no evil, feel no evil. Most people can talk about other people for hours and thrive under the influence of gossip like the temporary influence of intoxicating poisonous wine. Isn’t it … Read More

What is the Purpose of Evil?
by Paramhansa YoganandaThe following is a written record of the conversation between Yogananda and one of his disciples. “Master,” inquired a disciple, “what purpose does evil serve in God’s creation? Surely the Lord is a God of goodness and love. Is it possible that, as certain modern writers claim, He doesn’t know evil?” Sri Yogananda chuckled. “God would have to be very … Read More

God as Light
by Paramhansa YoganandaThe Spirit was invisible, existing alone in the home of all space. He piped to Himself the ever-new, ever-entertaining song of perfect beatific bliss. As He sang through His voice of eternity to Himself, He wondered if aught but Himself were listening and enjoying His song. To His astonishment, He felt that He was also the cosmic song and He … Read More
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