Listening to God is possible only in silence: the more our emotions, the less we can we hear Him; the more our thoughts, the less our divine perceptions are; and more our physical movements, the less it is possible to listen to Him. In daily life the same principle of silence holds true: worries, tension, waves of emotion, rushing about … Read More
Posts by Sumitra

A Spirit of Oneness
by SumitraDuring a nature walk on the retreat day of the Ananda Pilgrimage to Babaji’s cave (Oct 2018), my senses were drawn to a small plateau-like elevation with two trees growing together from it – like twins – sharing, as if going along in life together. Somehow, this took my attention to our group of pilgrims: East, West, North, South – … Read More

How I Gained Blessings Through Ananda Yoga
by SumitraAfter joining an all-women chakra retreat in the hills, I signed up for the first batch of Ananda Yoga Teacher Training at Ananda Delhi. I was not quite sure if I had made the right decision as my body wasn’t in the best condition: I had issues with my knees, and my body wasn’t anywhere close to being athletic. Now, … Read More