Video and Audio SEARCH Speakers Series Locations Browse What Does it Mean to be Centered in Body, Mind and Soul? Nayaswami Vijay April 13, 2014 More videos from Nayaswami Vijay 22:30 Satsangs (Weekly Gatherings) What is Truth? April 7, 2013 22:14 Satsangs (Weekly Gatherings) Spiritual Opportunity August 4, 2013 36:14 Satsangs (Weekly Gatherings) Evaluating Last Year and Preparing for the New Year December 29, 2013 43:22 Satsangs (Weekly Gatherings) How to Develop Inner Stillness May 4, 2014 42:42 Satsangs (Weekly Gatherings) The Spirituality of Punctuality October 26, 2014 24:17 Satsangs (Weekly Gatherings) How Do We Draw God’s Response to Our Prayers? March 15, 2015 29:58 Satsangs (Weekly Gatherings) Can You Change the World? April 14, 2013 33:05 Satsangs (Weekly Gatherings) The Three Gunas (Qualities) August 11, 2013 29:42 Satsangs (Weekly Gatherings) Yogananda’s Birthday Celebration January 5, 2014 53:58 Satsangs (Weekly Gatherings) The Value of Intensive Spiritual Training May 11, 2014 20:44 Satsangs (Weekly Gatherings) Surrender November 2, 2014 25:55 Satsangs (Weekly Gatherings) We Are Children of the Light March 22, 2015