Video and Audio SEARCH Speakers Series Locations Browse Lahiri Mahasaya Celebration Nayaswami Vijay September 28, 2014 More videos from Nayaswami Vijay 22:30 Satsangs (Weekly Gatherings) What is Truth? April 7, 2013 22:14 Satsangs (Weekly Gatherings) Spiritual Opportunity August 4, 2013 36:14 Satsangs (Weekly Gatherings) Evaluating Last Year and Preparing for the New Year December 29, 2013 43:22 Satsangs (Weekly Gatherings) How to Develop Inner Stillness May 4, 2014 42:42 Satsangs (Weekly Gatherings) The Spirituality of Punctuality October 26, 2014 24:17 Satsangs (Weekly Gatherings) How Do We Draw God’s Response to Our Prayers? March 15, 2015 29:58 Satsangs (Weekly Gatherings) Can You Change the World? April 14, 2013 33:05 Satsangs (Weekly Gatherings) The Three Gunas (Qualities) August 11, 2013 29:42 Satsangs (Weekly Gatherings) Yogananda’s Birthday Celebration January 5, 2014 53:58 Satsangs (Weekly Gatherings) The Value of Intensive Spiritual Training May 11, 2014 20:44 Satsangs (Weekly Gatherings) Surrender November 2, 2014 25:55 Satsangs (Weekly Gatherings) We Are Children of the Light March 22, 2015