How to Meditate Volumes One & Two – 3/2 & 3/1979
How to Meditate – meditation is the art of knowing who and what you really are.
Volume One
- how to approach God in meditation.
- right attitude is very important
- it’s good to consider meditation the central part of your lifestyle
- the world is always trying to take you away from your center and meditation
- gyana yoga, bhakti yoga, and karma yoga
- try to give up attachments and desires
- cultivate a flow of love in the heart
- Patanjali’s eight-fold path
- Volume Two
- learn to accept reality as it is
- contentment is the greatest of all virtues
- live in the here and now, not in the past or the future
- how to develop a strong habit for meditation
- when you are in the company of a saint you have more faith in your own goodness