About Us
Treasures Along the Path began in in the late 1990’s.
In the early years of Ananda, Swami Kriyananda gave all the talks, classes and events. He was forming the community and giving classes and events in many places. An Ananda founding member Nayaswami Anandi said, …“As I listen to Swamiji’s talks from the early years, I feel how profoundly he ‘raised’ us, filling us with true spiritual values and attitudes….”
Recordings were done on reel-reel and cassette tapes.
The Treasures ministry digitizes the talks and offers them in MP3 form on a donation basis.
Kriyananda suggested that we offer monthly subscriptions. You can receive a “new” talk each month, which supports this ministry.
*Become a Monthly Subscriber for a “new” archive talk each month
Website Navigation
Talk Catalog Page
The listing on the right of that page with a photo for every
talk, is in alphabetical order by title and you may also search
according to Talk Categories (subjects) on left.
The mimimum donation on this website is $5.
Kriya Yoga
We have have two pages Kriya Yoga pages you can visit.
Talks about Kriya Yoga – if you haven’t yet taken Kriya Initiation.
Kriyabans Only – for those who have taken Kriya Yoga Initiation.
If you don’t find what you need
Contact Nayaswami Krishna
M-F Pacific Time
“Those who have heard Swami speak are surely aware of his unique ability to tune into the consciousness of his listeners. How does it work if we are listening to a recording? In a ‘treasures’ talk I heard, Swami in his typical fashion crack a funny joke and the audience broke into a cheerful laugh. As I heard this, I saw myself smiling and felt my heart mysteriously opening up. That instant, I was no longer driving but was transported back in to and was sitting close to Swami. He was directly addressing me. These talks to me are like a portable paradise in the pocket. Thanks for making these recordings digital, and through them Swami’s consciousness available to all.” – S.S. Palo Alto