Member Benefits

  • Receive a “new” MP3 archive talk, on or around the 15th of each month. We don’t repeat talks, each one is newly released, unless of course if you were present when Kriyananda originally gave the class!
  • Join in free virtual events. We listen to talks by Kriyananda on second and fourth Thursdays 12:00pm – 12:30 pm PST with people from all over the world. The satangs are simulcast at Online with Ananda’s Virtual Community and also on the Ananda Worldwide Facebook page.
  • Learn “how to” steps to achieve deep attunement with the divine and develop a personal relationship with God
  • Receive spiritual encouragement, inspiration, guidance
  • Deepen your understanding of Paramhansa Yogananda’s teachings as remembered by his direct disciple Swami Kriyananda.

Our talks come from a vast archive of over 2,000 spiritual talks!

Treasures Family Membership Types

Donate $100 monthly  Read More »

Donate $50 monthly  Read More »

Donate $25 monthly  Read More »

Donate $10 monthly  Read More »

Receive talks with intermitent donations or without donations   Read More »


All talks from Treasures Along the Path are available to you on a donation basis. Suggested amounts are presented. We want everyone to receive this inspiration, so donation amounts can be made according to your means. If you can give more than suggested amounts, you help others receive the talks who cannot afford larger donations.

The minimum donation on this website is $5.

Donations are tax-deductible.

Your donation helps us digitize more talks for the inspiration of all and the preservation of Swami Kriyananda’s legacy of wisdom.

Thank you for using this website. Our aim is to help you easily find the inspiration you need – when you need it!

And thank you also for your patience. We are trying new things and will adjust as we go.

Feedback is much appreciated.

Questions? Contact Nayaswami Krishna

530-478-7656           9:00 am – 5:00 pm M-F Pacific Time


“As I listen to Swamiji’s talks from the early years, I feel how profoundly he “raised” us, filling us with true spiritual values and attitudes. In the last few years of his life, I believe Swamiji was so deeply absorbed in love and joy that he didn’t feel to make his talks very intellectual. He wanted simply to share his vibrations with all. And that was priceless.

But people who only know Swamiji from those last years or didn’t meet him at all, need to hear what was given to us in the early years—the clarity and specifics on how to live the path with dedication, humility, and attunement—the stories, the humor, the vibrations. Having Treasures talks available is a blessed gift for all of us.”

Ananda founding member Nayaswami Anandi, Nevada City, CA