AKASH - Ancient Keys to Attaining Success and Happiness

Six Week Online Course starting Sunday 21st May 2023

Reinvent your Life ! Attract true success with honour and happiness

Course Highlights:

  • Access proven tools for personal and professional success
  • Learn from nine hours of live classes with world class faculty over Zoom
  • Experience guided meditations and journaling frames for success magnetism
Bonus : A personalised life coaching session with a professional life coach (One -to-One session)

Early bird price (Till 1st May 2023 ) - INR 9750/ USD 125
Full Price : INR 11500 / USD 150
How to Register - To book your seatyou may transfer fees online (NEFT) to Ananda Yoga bank account or pay using UPI, Instamojo and send the screenshot to +91 9158002726, yoga@anandaindia.org

Payment modes:
1. Bank transfer / NEFT

Bank details of Ananda Yoga School of India are as following:
Beneficiary Name : Ananda Sangha Trust-Yoga Account
Beneficiary A/c No : 50100481262076
Bank Name : HDFC Bank Ltd
Branch : B-17 Geetanjali Enclave
IFSC Code : HDFC0000614

2. Ananda Yoga - QR code - Scan and pay:

3. Instamojo - Register here: https://imjo.in/3594sT

Meet our Teachers - Coach, Leadership and Meditation Experts

Latha Emmatty Gupta & Madhu Vazirani

Latha Emmatty Gupta has held board and leadership positions with fortune 500 companies. She is an ICF credentialed Coach and now runs her boutique leadership development company, OD Mantra. She has trained hundreds of Yoga and Meditation teachers globally and serves as the Director of Ananda Yoga School of India. She blends western scientific approaches to personal development with eastern spiritual wisdom in ways that trigger change and growth in her students. Latha has trained live with Swami Kriyananda and shares practical examples of how this course changed her life trajectory.


Madhu Vazirani is a thought leader, published author and people developer. She has over 25 years of experience in business research, strategy, consulting and social development with Accenture, HCL Technologies, Société Générale and British Council. She has an Executive MBA from the University of St Gallen in Switzerland. Madhu is a meditation practitioner for over a decade, a certified mindfulness facilitator and a qualified yoga instructor, adept in inspiring individuals to well-being and a winning mindset.

Contact : Amruta Dubal
Yoga@Anandaindia.org, Call at: +91 9158002726