Ananda Yoga is a yoga tradition based on the teachings of Paramhansa Yogananda and developed by his disciple Swami Kriyananda. The goal of Ananda Yoga is to experience Ananda (divine Joy) and to nourish the body, mind and soul.

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Creating a Home Ananda Yoga Practice

By Jyoti Nanda

When I first started teaching Ananda Yoga, I was so happy that I was able to teach 3 classes a week at the centre and one class at home. But my happiness was short lived as it suddenly struck me—could I really call myself a teacher if I did not have a practice of my own in which I prepared for the class and was yoga-ready for my students? Didn’t all teachers, professors and lecturers prepare for their class?

For many days I did nothing about it, I dilly-dallied but I did not feel good about it. I knew that I would have to address this soon…

Learning Ananda Yoga from Yogis

By Latha Gupta

When I experienced a strong desire to learn Yoga, the universe responded by sending me good teachers. This blog is on my Yoga teachers, some lessons learnt and inspiration gained.

When I started to see benefits to my well being, my interest in Yoga grew deeper. I have learnt yoga from different traditions. However, it is with Ananda Yoga that I started to see the true meaning and purpose of yoga. I realized I could feel more relaxed and energetic after a yoga session rather than become exhausted and spent. More joy…