Yogananda: Incarnation of Love 6/28/84
Yogananda: Incarnation of Love – each story in this talk is a road map for finding deeper attunement with the guru.
Swami Kriyananda recounts many stories of how people’s consciousness has been transformed by Yogananda’s guidance and discusses the deeper meaning of attunement.
Remarks from the talk:
It says in Autobiography of a Yogi that one of the qualities in every atom is “ego” or individuality. Every manifestation of God is a unique manifestation and contains a quality that will remain until it merges back into the Infinite.
Yogananda could laugh until tears would be streaming down his cheeks, he had a great sense of humor.
Yogananda gave love to people in a centered way. He said not to love people, but to love the God in people.
Note: Other talks have this same name, but the dates will be different.