Superconscious Living Parts One & Two – 6/28/80
Superconscious Living – focus on solutions instead of problems.
Part One: Superconsciousness involves leadership skills.
The talk begins by Kriyananda reading from the 1980 booklet on leadership which later became a book The Art of Supportive Leadership.
He offers practical steps for referring back to your center in everything you do, which is a key point in living superconsciously.
There is a detailed discussion about drawing the right magnetism to live superconsciously. For instance, when you see someone living as you would like to, delve into your perception of the consciousness that makes them the way they are, and attune yourself to that.
See the highest potential in other people and yourself. By having faith in others, you can help them to have faith in themselves.
The superconscious state is that part of our awareness which comes to the fore when outward distractions, thoughts, attachments and preoccupations are silenced.
Part Two: Superconscious thinking brings success.
Almost everyone is in a position of authority at some point in business or at home, and can apply leadership principles in many situations.
Superconscious thinking brings success.
You are Superconsciousness!
The talk is followed by excellent questions and answers.
NOTE: Kriyananda offered many classes on the subject of superconsciousness. Many talks have the same title “Superconscious Living.” You can tell the difference between the talks by the date each talk(s) was given.