Renunciation of the Ego – 11/1/2004
Renunciation of the Ego- learn to expand the ego from littleness to infinity.
Live for God, hold Him in your thoughts all the time.
Try to see in all people the One infinite beloved.
This song by Kriyananda expresses renunciation:
Lord most high our heav’nly father,
All our lives we dedicate to Thee:
All our labors, all our joys and woes,
All our pleasure, all our melody.
Make us each a channel of Thy peace:
When in darkness, guide us from above;
Where there’s sorrow may we sow Thy joy;
Where there’s hatred may we share Thy love.
This talk is one in a series of 365 programs recorded for Aasta TV in India – A Way of Awakening. The 20 minute talks are based on readings from Kriyananda’s book Conversations with Yogananda. Also available on YouTube.