Religion of the Future – 7/21/1985
Religion of the Future – religion will evolve from dogma and conflict toward deeper spirituality, peace and harmony among all people.
There are two Treasures talks, both titled Religion of the Future. One talk was given January 22, 1982 and the other on July 21, 1985. The two talks are very different but one common theme is that religion will evolve away from dogma and conflict toward deeper spirituality, peace and harmony among all people.
In the future more people will want to learn to meditate and experience the grace of God. People will also discover that by living in the right ways, such as expressing gratitude, generosity, kindness and love, we will bring more harmony and peace into the world.
Swami ends this 7/21/85 talk by saying that the upheavals in this world will continue until man wakes up and realizes that the religion for the future needs to be all embracing, “a religion above all, of love and of joy.”