Master’s Birthday 1979 and 1990
Master’s Birthday 1979 and 1990
“May divine consciousness be born in us so we realize that we are no longer this ego or this body, but that we are sons and daughters of the Infinite, with as much right to claim His infinite joy, as any of the great masters who ever lived.” — Swami Kriyananda
Serve God and ask Him to act through you. Keep a positive attitude and know that He is pleased with your service. God is not an angry God. We can shut Him out by imagining that he is displeased with us.
Don’t ever give up on the spiritual path. Master said, “I don’t mind you’re faults. God doesn’t mind your faults; all He wants is that you love Him.”
We are here to please God, not other people. Feel in your heart that you want to please and serve only Him.