The Meaning of Inner Communion is learning to receive the power from God to transform our lives.
This talk is from a satsang Swami Kriyananda gave to the Ananda Community on his birthday. During the talk, he gave many techniques to quiet the restless mind.
He said, “God talks to you if you listen but if you stop listening, then he stops talking.”
He talks about spiritual leaders including Satya Sai Baba and Anandamoi Ma, and also about Hinduism and Christianity.
Here is a technique Yogananda suggested for ridding the mind of worry:
Inhale and tense the whole body, fill it with prana, so that your energy is very positive
Throw the breath out and relax
Keep the mind completely without thought for a while.
You can concentrate on peace or on nothing for a while.
Keep the body absolutely still. When the mind starts to think again, fill it with some very positive alternative to worry, like a positive cheerful memory.