Communing and Receiving Her Grace
Nayaswami Devarshi shares ways that we can tune in to, and receive, Divine Mother. More than the individual forms in which She is worshiped, learn how to practice receiving some of Her important aspects. These include Her shakti, or energy; Her unconditional love; Her liberating Grace; Her power to free us from all karma; and more.
Also enjoy stories of Divine Mother, sing chants to Her, and learn just how all-important the Mother aspect of God was to Paramhansa Yogananda and Swami Kriyananda.
Highlights of the session:
What does this class “Communing with the Cosmic Mother” include?
– Yogananda’s teachings and methods to tune into the Divine Mother
– Receiving Her love, grace, power & shakti
– Stories & Chants
– Understanding God in the aspect of the Mother
– 2 recordings of upto 3 hours video time

You will receive 2 workshops by Nayaswami Devarshi:
– How to tune into, and receive, God as the Divine Mother
– How to be with God 24/7
All are welcome! Register now!

“Who tells me Thou art dark, Oh my Mother Divine, Thousands of Suns and Moon from Thy body do shine!”
Paramhansa Yogananda
Cosmic Mother: Online Session
= Rs. 550 Rs. 300
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Meet the Presenter:

Nayaswami Devarshi is a long-time Ananda minister and Kriyacharya (authorized Kriya Yoga teacher). He joined Swami Kriyananda in 1977 and has been serving Ananda Sangha full time since then. Service to his guru, Paramhansa Yogananda has taken him all over the world teaching meditation and Kriya Yoga. He currently lives in India and serves as the director of Ananda’s Global Kriya Yoga Sangha and the Ananda India Monastery. He shares his guru’s teachings with great devotion and his love for God in the form of the Divine Mother is inspirational for all.
The Cosmic Mother – A Website: was created by Nayaswami Devarshi and is dedicated to the Mother of the Universe, and to Paramhansa Yogananda and Swami Kriyananda for showing the way to the deepest devotion to God.
“It is offered in response to appeals over the years by Swami Kriyananda that the world today especially needs to tune in more to the Mother aspect of God, which will inspire the qualities of compassion, forgiveness, unconditional love, and universal brotherhood.” – Nayaswami Devarshi
“The Divine Mother is, of course, without form, though we may say also that Her body is the entire universe, with its infinity of suns and moons. She can also appear to the devotee in human form, however. When She does so, She is enshrined in supernal beauty. Paramhansa Yogananda