A Key Attitude for Living in Joy
with Nayaswami Dhyana
What is an abundant life? We hear much talk about the “abundant life.” Stress is placed, of course, on that word, “abundant.” But let us ask, rather, what we understand by “life.”
An integral part of healthy living is learning to take on challenges with a positive attitude. This is a tool to live more fully - to Say "Yes" to whatever situation and opportunity life brings us. A positive outlook will help draw solutions that you presently don’t even know exist. The flow of life-force increases when you say “Yes” to life. A strong, balanced life-force actually heals and vitalizes us.
Join Nayaswami Dhyana as she energizes us with simple and easy to practice concepts to help us move more deeply towards Saying YES to life!
Course Highlights:
- The spirit of saying Yes!
- Draw inspiration in your life at will
- Tools to Say Yes to Life for Prosperity
- How to be a success at work
- Working as a team with energy and willingness
- Be positive and rejuvenated even in ill-health
- Attract abundance of all types
Swami Kriyananda presents a thought: "Is life existence merely? This is how it is commonly taken. See the way so many people live: yawning at everything, going to work reluctantly; doing everything unwillingly. They have no enthusiasm, no real joy; they live constantly in the hope of some happiness around the corner. Their life lies in their anticipation’s. It is a rumor, not a realized fact. Life, to be lived well, must be lived now."
Enjoy 6 power-filled videos with tips, techniques and instructions on how to face different situations, and come out the winner!

"Life, to be lived well, must be lived now." Swami Kriyananda
Register for Say Yes to Life with Nayaswami Dhyana
= Rs. 750 Rs. 450
Meet the Presenter:

Nayaswami Dhyana is co-spiritual director of Ananda Sangha India. She started to study the teachings of Paramhansa Yogananda in 1978 and met Swami Kriyananda in 1980. She has shared the teachings of Yogananda in the US, Europe, Africa, Australia and India and helped in the founding of several of Ananda communities and centers. She has been authorized by Swami Kriyananda to give initiation into the advanced meditation technique Kriya Yoga. She lives and shares the teachings with great energy and joy!
A story told by Swami Kriyananda:
"St. Francis of Assisi lay on his deathbed. He was singing. Brother Elias, a pompous but prominent member of the Franciscan Order, with a strong sense of their Order’s world mission, slipped quietly into the room. He had a delicate task to perform.
“Father,” he began, coughing discreetly, “there are people standing in the street outside your window. I’m afraid nothing we might do could prevent them from hearing you singing. This lack of restraint at so grave an hour might embarrass the Order, Father. It might lower the esteem in which you yourself are so justly held. Perhaps in your extremity you have – momentarily, of course – lost sight of your obligation to the many who have come to regard you as a saint. Would it not be more edifying for them if you were to, er, die with more Christian dignity?”
“Please excuse me, Brother,” St. Francis replied, “but I feel so much joy in my heart that I really can’t help myself. I must sing!” To his last breath he sang joyously to God for the wonders of His creation.
To be joyous even at the time of leaving this world! To be able to say “Yes” even to death – what greater affirmation of life? What greater evidence of a spirit triumphant? Joy is the true lord of this world... He who has joy will be a king among men." Swami Kriyananda