Daily Application of Karma, Bhakti, Gyana and Raja Yoga
Have you ever wondered about a more balanced spiritual life? For a spiritual seeker, a deeper study of the paths of yoga offers a better understanding on "how to live" a more spiritualized life. This topic is the basis of any spiritual path - yet is often ignored.
There are four main paths to self-realization: karma yoga, bhakti yoga, gyana yoga, and raja yoga. this course which offers a deep understanding on the subject. Join Brahmachari Devendra as he explains each aspect in detail, with concepts, practices, prayers and affirmations. His simple teaching style makes it easy for the seeker to understand the importance and necessity of following each path, and how they are linked with the path of Raja Yoga.
"Raja Yoga, the royal way of God-union, is the science of actual realization of the kingdom of God that lies within oneself." - Paramhansa Yogananda
Enjoy 16 part class series sharing concepts and instruction including guided techniques to practice daily. In addition, enjoy bonus content of a 4 part talk by Swami Kriyananda titled "Pathways to God: Heart, Head, & Hands"!
The purpose of this course is to help us practice at least a little of all four. Each of the paths are designed for people of different temperaments, whether one is more serviceful, devotional or philosophical. What unites these various areas is raja yoga’s inward, spiritual focus, achieved through a meditation practice. This course helps us dive deep into the approach of raja yoga, which is also known as the “royal” yoga.
Course Highlights:
- Learn Paramhansa Yogananda's teachings on the Paths of Yoga
- Align yourself to a more balanced spiritual life
- Dive deep into the approach of raja yoga
- Stories and practical examples on each aspect
- Tools to work with your inner nature
- Additional written material & talks by Swami Kriyananda
“He who with devotion absorbs himself in Me, with his soul immersed in Me, him I regard, among all classes of yogis, as the most equilibrated.” —The Bhagavad Gita VI:47
What is Yoga? What is its goal?
Unit 1: Bhakti Yoga
Unit 2: Karma Yoga
Unit 3: Gyana Yoga
Unit 4: Raja Yoga & Conclusion
Bonus Content
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Meet the Instructor:

Brahmachari Devendra
Brahmachari Devendra has been a disciple of Paramhansa Yogananda for over 15 years. He joined Ananda Sangha as a monastic with blessings of Swami Kriyananda. He has taught classes on meditation and health in all major cities of India, also in corporates and abroad in Singapore, Dubai, and China. He is a flower essences practitioner and loves music and nature. Currently, he also serves as the Spiritual Director of Ananda Sangha Ahmedabad.

"With a strong lens, the sun’s rays focused through it, can ignite wood—Yoga practice, similarly, so concentrates the mind that the curtain of doubt and uncertainty is burned away, and the light of inner truth becomes manifest." Paramhansa Yogananda
How to Get the Most Out of this Course:
This course was designed to help every student discover a deeper practice of the paths of yoga. Here are some guidelines to help you benefit most deeply from this course:
Participate fully.
Every section has experiential elements, some of them of differing durations. Take your time with these, work on it dring the week and, try to absorb deeper in your inner self before moving on.
Practice consciously.
Whichever of these yogas seems to be most natural to you, make sure to practice at least a little of all four. When you go about daily activities, remember that it’s really God serving through you. When you are with your loved ones, love God in them even when you disagree with aspects of their personalities. When you feel a strong desire or get angry or frustrated, remember that those are just the likes and dislikes of your ego, which are not rooted in your soul and which you will soon forget about. And try to fit in at least 10 minutes of daily meditation, and longer as you become more experienced. This will keep your practice going in the right direction and allow you to progress much more quickly.
Be open.
Try to participate in this course with an open mind, and more importantly, with an open heart. The insights we gain about ourselves can be doorways to deep inspiration.
Observe Yourself.
Try to observe lessons and work with your inner nature.
"This is definitely one topic we don't pay attention to enough as seekers. It has helped me deepen my meditation practice." - M.B.
"Brahmachari Devendra's simple style of teaching really helped me understand these concepts easily. He brings a lot of joy to the course." - P.K.