Healing techniques of Paramhansa Yogananda
Would you like to discover the secret to spiritual healing according to Paramhansa Yogananda? In this course, you will learn and practice Yogananda’s healing techniques to heal yourself as well as others.
These techniques have been found to overcome physical, mental and spiritual diseases including serious illnesses.
Paramhansa Yogananda taught specific techniques to help us connect with and and awaken the divine healing energy that flows within each individual. Praying for others with these simple techniques deepens our own connection with God. He emphasized that we should use our God-given powers to heal ourselves and others, but not think of these powers as our own.
Enjoy 21 videos sharing concepts or instruction including guided techniques and tips to practice daily in addition to bonus content. You will also receive PDF hand-outs on the subject and an opportunity to connect with the instructors at anytime.
Highlights of this course:
- Learn Paramhansa Yogananda's techniques for Healing
- How to send healing energy – hands on and at a distance
- What is "Divine will healing"
- What are the Universal Laws of Healing
- The power of effective Prayer
- Affirmation and visualization for self-transformation
- Guided healing practices to apply in daily life
"It brings the devotion from inside of me when I sincerely follow the instructions. Thank you for this course!" - Sudha Deivanayagam
"I can feel such a loving and gentle vibration from the teachings through this course. Thank you so much." - Maya Brits
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Meet the Instructors:

Nayaswami Promilla
Nayaswami Promilla has been with Ananda Sangha for over a decade and conveys a deep understanding of the teachings of Paramhansa Yogananda with a sense of love and wisdom. She is a certified healing and meditation teacher and has conducted many workshops and classes sharing these teachings across various Ananda centers. Known for her silent and calm presence, she selflessly serves the Sangha in numerous ways setting an example for all to follow.

Brahmacharini Blezy
Brahmacharini Blezy is an internationally certified Yoga and Meditation teacher by World Yoga Alliance. She is also a certified healing teacher and has conducted many classes on meditation in Pune. Blezy has served in the corporate industry for more than a decade and is well-versed with the challenges and opportunities of a corporate life, bringing that experience into her classes. She also helps with corporate training programs in companies.
Frequently Asked Questions:
1) A lot of people these days are practicing Reiki as a form of healing. Are Yogananda's healing teachings different from this?
There are many ways to maintain good health or to seek healing, if illness or injuries happen to us — through allopathic medical techniques and also through alternative healing methods. Ananda does not advocate any particular healing modality, except for the very simple and common sense approaches to healing found in the teachings of Paramhansa Yogananda.
Yogananda presented a surprisingly complete and holistic approach to good health many years before “holistic” became a popular concept. His emphasis was to work on every aspect of human nature, physical, energetic, mental, emotional, and spiritual — all at the same time. None of these is to be neglected; all should work together in harmony.
Although he spoke often and eloquently on the more physical aspects of human needs such as right diet, fasting and exercise, in addition he strongly emphasized the more subtle concepts of energy, consciousness, will, right attitude and increased life-force.
2) Is it possible to completely heal a person from a distance?
It is definitely possible to completely heal people from a distance. You will find examples of this in Autobiography of a Yogi. The effectiveness of healing at a distance depends on two things: the power of the healer to act as a channel for God, and the receptivity of the “patient.” Though a person may be suffering from a physical or mental illness and want to be well on one level, on a deeper level, their soul may feel they need this illness in order to learn something.
If you know someone in need of healing, regularly hold them in healing light. Do not focus on the illness, or what you think their problem is and how you think God should fix them. Focus instead on God’s divine love and healing light, and feel you are sending that light to them from your spiritual eye to theirs. This course shares Yogananda's techniques on how to heal at a distance.
3) I had badmouthed a close friend of mine because of something unacceptable and bad she had done to me. I have been given to understand that we create bad karma for ourselves even when we talk ill of those who ill-treat us. Can I reverse that karma by praying for her?
Yes — you are right — we do create bad karma when we speak ill of others. Think of karma as a teacher. In this instance, your friend did something hurtful to you. In return, you sought to hurt her by badmouthing her several times before a large group of people. Sometimes karma teaches us by developing our empathy for others. In a very simplistic view, perhaps she may have to experience the pain she caused you, and you might need to see what it feels like to have your name maligned several times in front of a large group of your friends.
The Divine is merciful and compassionate. Ultimately, the laws of karma are not meant to punish us, but to awaken our understanding that we are all made of God’s Love. Sometimes we need a strong karmic lesson to help us realize, “I wouldn’t wish this pain or suffering on anyone.”
That is the awakening of divine love within us. We do not wish to make others suffer, even if they have hurt us. That is why Paramhansa Yogananda said Jesus Christ’s greatest miracle was when he offered forgiveness to those who were crucifying his body, “Father forgive them, for they know not what they do.”
When we are in the midst of our errors, we also “know not what we do,” regarding the karma we are creating for ourselves, but we are blessed if something awakens us, and gives us a chance to reverse the error by doing good. And now, by God’s grace, your spiritual understanding has made you ready.
Practicing Yogananda's techniques could be a great starting point to heal this first in your own heart, and you will be guided as to what degree the outer friendship can be restored.
4) How does Divine Healing work? Why do some people get healed and others suffer terribly?
Paramhansa Yogananda emphasized that in working with healing prayers we should attune to God’s will (“Thy will be done”) rather than project any specific outcome.The thought here is to open up and magnetize as much as possible to the flow of divine healing energy, which is said to be an intelligent energy, and then have trust that the appropriate healing, whatever that may be, will manifest, in tune with God’s will.

"There is a Power that will light your way to Health, Happiness, Peace and Success, if you will but turn toward that Light." Paramhansa Yogananda
"I have just watched the introduction, it is lovely and I can already feel such a loving and gentle vibration from the teachings. Thank you so much."
- Maya Brits
"Enjoying after just a single video."
- Menka Khanchandani
"I am grateful for you for giving me this divine knowledge. I get a very positive feeling while listening to these truths."
- Radhika Chandak
"This course very useful for me and my entire family. Thank you!"
- Mohan Kumar
"It brings the devotion from inside of me when I sincerely follow the instructions. Thank you for this course!"
- Sudha Deivanayagam
"All the teachings are simply presented and can be observed easily."
- Manish Kanodia