This is my Christmas song to you: that by daily meditation you will so prepare the cradle in your consciousness that you will behold the Infinite Baby Christ laid there anew. From today until Christmas pray deep and long until every day becomes a true Christmas day of Christ-communion.

Spiritualize the social ceremonious Christmas celebration around the Christmas tree of material gifts by exchanging spiritual gifts of soul qualities of love, peace, joy, and forgiveness with other true souls around the Christmas tree of universal brotherhood.

Kindle a glamorous light of love for all nations of the earth in the fireplace of patriotism to drive away the gloom of war. As a true Christ’s son, make a solemn vow within: “I will love America with all my being, and I will love all God’s people as I love America.”

Live Christ’s unifying influence at home, at business, at church, in society, in politics, in international understanding, and Christ will be with you. You will be a Christ-one – Christian – one with Christ.

— From Inner Culture Magazine, October 1940